Some student protesters at Duke University walked out of Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech, the Gateway Pundit reported over the weekend.
Oh boy, they missed it.
Seinfeld’s speech was brilliant. This has almost nothing to do with politics, except when he speaks out about progressive ideas like privilege.
His main focus was on how to achieve success and happiness in life, emphasizing the need to have a good sense of humor.
The following is part of the transcript:
Thanks. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful day. What a wonderful lesson. We love you.
I am here today at the kind invitation of President Price and the Duke University Board of Trustees. Because after four years at what is considered one of the best institutions of higher education in the world, they apparently thought maybe some light entertainment would make it happen for all of you after all. You know, I think I’ve really had enough of this place. Let’s bring in a comedian.
Let’s dial down the complexity and erudition of the Duke experience a few notches. I thought, maybe that does make sense. Maybe the idea is that what we really want are these kids out of here. What will give them the final push?
Because you may not fully realize it, but throughout your time at this wonderful college, we have been meeting and talking to the other kids we want to replace you. It’s not because we’re unhappy with you. not at all. you are awesome. It’s just, you know, we want you to see what’s out there. I don’t want to say exactly how many kids we talked to. That’s about it. We met a lot of great kids.
Was there ever a time when we were glad you were here to learn, grow and develop? Of course, there was… that time has passed. We do offer postgraduate courses in many different disciplines. If you and your parents want to delay your ultimate uselessness for a few more years.
Watch the entire thing below, it’s a great talk:
Years from now, some student protesters will look back and regret missing this point.