Telegram founder Pavel Durov was launched from a French jail late Wednesday. Pavel was launched on bail of 5 million euros for “crime of speech”.
Durov plans to look in a French courtroom over accusations that his platform is used for “unlawful actions”.
The Telegram founder was arrested on Saturday when he arrived in France from Azerbaijan.
Video of his launch by way of Achieve of Fauci.
New information: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was simply launched on bail in France. Bail was set at 5 million euros and Durov was banned from leaving France.
This entire factor is so loopy…
— Fauci Positive factors (@DschlopesIsBack) August 28, 2024
The CEO of common messaging app Telegram was arrested at France’s Le Bourget airport on Saturday after refusing to adjust to the nation’s censorship legal guidelines.
Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on the tarmac as he disembarked from Azerbaijan on a personal jet.
Pavel Durov mentioned in a earlier interview with Tucker Carlson that the US authorities was attempting to secretly infiltrate Telegram.